DESRIPTION: Maktoobat Hazrat Shaik BIOGRAPHYMaulana Ahmed Ali Lahori (1887 – 23 February 1962) (Urdu: مولانااحمد علی لاہوری) was a Pakistani Sunni Muslim scholar and mufassir (Quran interpreter). . His notable students include Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi.
Ahmed Ali Lahori was a student of the famous Deobandi scholar Ubaidullah Sindhi. He studied Islamic studies and qualified or graduated from there in 1927. Ahmed Ali Lahori was employed as a lecturer at his teacher's institute and also married his teacher's daughter. He also helped him in organizing new groups. However, Ubaidullah Sindhi died in 1944 before the 1947 partition of India. So Maulana Shabbir Ahmad Usmani led a group of Deobandi scholars including Ahmed Ali Lahori to support the demand for Pakistan movement and Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Therefore, this whole group came over to newly created Pakistan in 1947 and settled here.
"Although a lot of teachers and the students of Deoband remained aloof from the Pakistan movement or even opposed it, there were still many of them who took active part in the struggle for an independent Muslim state under the leadership of sagacious Maulana and gave big support to the Quaid i Azam."
Maulana Shabbir Ahmad Usmani and his group converted the sentiments of common people toward Pakistan movement.
Ahmed Ali Lahori died on 23 February 1962 at Lahore, Pakistan and was buried in Miani Saheb Graveyard Lahore. His son Maulana Ubaidullah Anwar has actively carried out his tradition of Islamic studies after his death.
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